Digital Aggregator of Indian Skill Ecosystem
Capacita Connect is an innovation partner with National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) and today our job portal has been trusted by most of the key players of the top industries.

TOP Job Roles
Verified Database under 36 SSC's
Job Roles
Placed Pan India
Pin Codes Covered

About NSDC
NSDC was set up by Ministry of Finance as Public Private Partnership (PPP) model. The Government of India through Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship (MSDE) holds 49% of the share capital of NSDC, while the private sector has the balance 51% of the share capital.It acts as a catalyst in skill development by providing funding to enterprises, companies and organizations that provide skill training. It also develops appropriate models to enhance, support and coordinate private sector initiatives. The differentiated focus on 37 sectors under NSDC’s purview and its understanding of their viability will make every sector attractive to private investment.

Capacita Connect
Online Recruitment
One of the fastest growing online recruitment platform for skilled manpower
Supply and Demand
Connecting the supply and demand side with the help of the data analytics and job role & skill mapping
Unique database
Unique database of 15 Million+ skilled manpower; Govt trained, certified and verified
Architectural Expertise & Data Security
Capacita’s portal is fully secured behind SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), it is a security layer between website domain / link and browser that protects data while browsing.
Data Backup
The Company take regular backups of the data and source code. That helps in data recovery in the case of hardware/system failure.
Data Masking
They use data masking to stop data stealing at their Testing & UAT server by creating a source of dummy data for software testing, user training and client demo.
Data Encryption
The Company store encrypted data instead of human readable / plain text information. This data can only be decoded by their system internally.
Cloud hosting (AWS)
Their servers are hosted on cloud to avoid overhead of maintaining hardware/system. It also provides real time monitoring of database and file system usage and load by users.
Authentication (2 Level)
Two-factor authentication provides a higher level of security assurance. It has two levels of security check while login on the panel
Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning
Artificial intelligence is the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, especially computer systems.
Specific applications of AI include expert systems, natural language processing, speech recognition and machine vision. AI with its intelligent algorithms helps in searching the required data within the radius of 50 meters and on the basis from pattern or features in the data.
It is a type of artificial intelligence (AI) that allows software applications to become more accurate
at predicting outcomes without being explicitly programmed to do so. Machine learning algorithms use historical data as input to predict new output values. Based on the pattern of searches done on the portal, it automatically displays the data.
Blockchain is a shared, immutable ledger that facilitates the process of recording transactions and tracking assets in a business network.
Blockchain provides a way to securely and efficiently create a tamper-proof log of sensitive activity and all the documents of the Candidates are securely stored in the portal.

Creating Positive Impact on the Society
I was having a miserable life as my first husband was alcoholic and I used to earn by doing utensils. I did not know how and where to apply for job. One day, I came to know about Capacita Connect - mobile app.
Thanks to Capacita Connect tech platform, I got a job sitting at home and that too in my near by area. My family would not allow me to go to various places and give job interviews.
Despite being postgraduate I was not getting job, thanks to Capacita Connect, I got a well paying reputed job
Even after doing ITI, I was unemployed because of my location background. I am getting INR25,000/-pm and supporting my entire family. Capacita connect saved my money and time of interview. I am highly thankful